Watch manufacturers remind everyone what precautions to pay attention to when making mechanical watches.

Watch manufacturers remind everyone what precautions to pay attention to when making mechanical watches.

2023-08-28 1099

1、 Watching Dongguan Changli Factory Machinery reminds you not to adjust the date from 21:00PM to 3:00AM, as it can easily cause watch damage and incorrect calendar changes.

2、 The time adjustment of a watch usually requires a clockwise dial, not a counterclockwise dial. The Shenzhen watch manufacturer has to remind you that if you keep it, use your right hand and adjust it. The forward rotation is clockwise.

3、 There are two adjustment knobs in the middle, the first for adjusting the date and the second for adjusting the time. The first gear is adjusted, the rotation is transferred to a later date, and the forward rotation is rotated. If the week is not displayed in the table, then you have not set the week. Dongguan Changli Watch Factory is a stable and professional manufacturer of customized mechanical watches, mechanical watches, OEM and other OEM services for mechanical watches and mechanical watches.

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